Archive | March, 2009

Social Media

30 Mar

Today we had a great lecture by the ex CSU student, Paull Young. Beyond interesting, Paul did a great job of overviewing social media, and his case studies grabbed the classes interest. It’s even more impressive when a lecturer can keep students’ riveted when not even there in person!

Have a look at the link below (update: the embed code doesn’t seem to work now that I’ve moved this post to WordPress)

Paull Young on Social Media from Paull Young on Vimeo.

Thanks so much to Paull for such an inspiring presentation, and it also makes me hopeful for my future as a graduate of Charles Sturt in a few months time! Uni at this point is rushing by at top speed, it’s hard to believe we get a break at the end of next week! Oh, and in exciting news, I managed to pick up an opportunity to help out at the Bluesfest up in Byron Bay over the Easter weekend, helping organise media and interviews with the artists! I thought there was no chance there would be anything left this close to the festival, but on a whim emailed the publicity director. Just goes to show that you should always take a chance and try! You never know.

I’ve also started to contact PR agencies in Melbourne and Sydney, enquiring about longer internships. Just a bit nerve racking, but lets hope all goes well. At least my course is preparing me well, with mock interviews and applications last week. My course coordinator Donald and tutor Sharon had nothing bad to say about my interview, which is a huge confidence boost, since they’re both very experienced in the public relations industry. We’re also heading out to Sydney on Thursday for a two day tour of public relations companies in the city, including Cox Inall , Ogilvy and Burson-Marsteller . Should be really interesting!

21 Mar

I don’t know why, but I seem to have nothing to do at the moment. I mean yes, I could be doing uni work… but you know, my thinking goes along these lines: I’ve still got three days left on that assignment, lots of time! Then in three days you’ll find me stressed out of my mind, wondering why on earth I didn’t do the silly thing last weekend when I had nothing to do! Luckily for me, I tend to do amazing work under pressure.

Yesterday found me waking up early (a curse at the moment, can’t for the life of me sleep in!) realising what a beautiful sunny Saturday it was, and not one thing I could think of doing that would make use of it. So instead, I went down to Annabel’s pub and sat there (inside) chatting with her. Then wandered around the new shopping centre (inside) to buy a present for Lia. Then went home (inside) and read the newspaper. Seriously Tash, you couldn’t do one thing outside??

My one shift of the week was last night, and thankfully it flew by. One of the regulars at the pub was getting engaged, so there was a huge party out in the back bar. Busy busy busy, and also a bit of a laugh, as the guy who was getting engaged, Scott, was trying very hard all night to set up a date with me and his brother in law to be. Hilarious, this poor guy was so embarrassed!


Hi again

20 Mar

So I’m back in the wonderful town of Bathurst, where life is always moving at a fast pace… hmmm. Getting back into the swing of life and uni here has been interesting… different from last year cause quite a few things changed while I was overseas, but still good. I’m finding myself with a lot of spare time on my hands, probably to do with not being in a relationship any more, a new experience for Bathurst. I have found myself a job, working in a bar just out of the main part of Bathurst, which suits me to the ground. Probably not the best hours in the world, but I’m not working those 3am mornings which are currently killing my two flatmates who work at the local Irish pub. My two flatmates are wonderful, Annabel who I lived with last year, and Jacquie, who works with Annabel at the previously mentioned pub. Our house is beautiful and old and I’m loving having a double bed in a proper place! Not missing the insomnia filled nights in that horrible plastic covered dorm bed at Humboldt.

Uni is back to its old pace of stressing the day before an assignment is due, but not doing much else all the rest of the time. There is the added stress this year of the fact that we’re all looking for internships and jobs… the countdown really has begun. I’m currently trying to work out how my aim of moving down to Melbourne is going to work logistically… money, a place to stay down there and a job down there all seem to be getting in the way. All I know is that from what I’ve heard about Melbourne, it would suit me to the ground… so that is my goal. We’ll just have to see if I make it!

I’ve been inspired to start this blog up again by a few things. One, I really feel like I need to get myself up to date and push myself into this world of social media… for my future in public relations as well as the fact that this is just where it seems the world is heading. Two, a few of my friends are actually doing a social media subject, which I turned my nose up at, because I thought I had a handle on that stuff. But I also want to try and keep up with what they are doing in class… like blogging every week. Lets see if I can do it! And three… well, I just enjoyed this so much while I was traveling, I think I need to get over my embarrassment of writing about people I’m living around, and just write. What a great thing to be able to look back on!

There is loads more to say, of course, but since I will be writing again, I won’t cram it all into one post. So farewell until next time,
